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One / a coincidentally similar color scheme, uncoincidentally different content pegged by 12-year-old style musings, over-saturated images and the occasional stuffed pig. Endured many so-called depictions of innovation ("Is there a definition for fashion? Something to think about..."), rebellion ("I added a dog tag necklace for a little bit of edge") and a somewhat keen sense on what makes a look work (which, according to me in 2010, involved "red lipstick, a scooter and attitude"). The original name was 101 Fashion Ave. Why? I'm not sure. Though every project has its respective roots--however embarrassing they may be--looking back, the blog was pretty terrible, no matter how much my mother assured me otherwise. Here is proof of the stuffed pig.
Two / my blog graduated to a different, more socially apropos link in late 2012. Since then, it has had a similar focus as a personal style blog, steering away from extras and updates. Though it felt more in place than its predecessor, something still felt off, both in content and design.
Three / here we are! In its most updated form, the style passage serves as a broader creative oasis, divided into subcategories of wear, piece and think. "Wear" functions as a reflection of my more traditional, style-oriented posts; "piece" narrows in on a specific object, project or person, whether through interview or ode; "think" employs more long-form writing by both myself and maybe even guest writers. Ideally, the trio will fuse together to produce a more well-rounded reading experience.
Two / my blog graduated to a different, more socially apropos link in late 2012. Since then, it has had a similar focus as a personal style blog, steering away from extras and updates. Though it felt more in place than its predecessor, something still felt off, both in content and design.
Three / here we are! In its most updated form, the style passage serves as a broader creative oasis, divided into subcategories of wear, piece and think. "Wear" functions as a reflection of my more traditional, style-oriented posts; "piece" narrows in on a specific object, project or person, whether through interview or ode; "think" employs more long-form writing by both myself and maybe even guest writers. Ideally, the trio will fuse together to produce a more well-rounded reading experience.
I've always been fond of the number three.